October 17. beaivi 2024

Apply for spring 2025 studies

The application portal for spring studies 2025 have opened. 

Application portal: Søknadsweb 

You can apply for the following spring studies(if nothing else is noted, the study is conducted either at campus in Kautokeino or online):


Sami Language Introduction Course

SÁM-0103 Davvisámegiela álgokurssa 1. oassi in Kirkenes

SAAL 2 Sørsamisk i praktiske situasjoner - innføringsstudium 2.del in Hattfjelldal


Study preparatory course

Davvisámegiela lohkanbadjeoahppu


Courses at bachelor's level:

DUO-2002 Duodji ja ovdánahttin-čieknudeapmi

SER 105 Strategalaš gulahallama vuogit sámi ealáhusaid dáfus

SÁM 104 Davvisámegiela cealkkaoahppa

SÁM 105 Sámi girjjálaš muitalanárbi ja dan oktavuohta teáhterii ja filbmii

SÁM 213 Sámegiela ja sámi girjjálašvuođa bachelora bachelorbargu

SÁM 215 Sámi girjjálašvuohta: teoriijat ja metodat

SÁM 216 Giellagáhtten 2

SÁM 601 - Samisk språkdidaktik med fokus på grundläggande läs och skrivfärdigheter


Courses at master's level

SÁM 311 Terminologiijadieđa ja vuođđoealáhusaid fágagiella

SÁM 318 Sámi sosiolingvistihka perspektiivvat ja lahkonanvuogit

Sámi vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheaddjeoahppu 1.-7. ceahki master

Sámi vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheaddjeoahppu 5.-10. ceahki master


Courses at PhD level

SÁM 400 Dieđateoriija

SÁM 401 Etihkka, eamiálbmotdiehtu ja -metodologiija

SÁM 402 Akademalaš čállin sámegillii


Continuing studies

PED 611 Andrespråkspedagogikk – Modulbasert videreutdanning in Kirkenes

PED 602 Bagadallanpedagogihkka 1

V5MAT-6001 Matematihkka 1- joatkkaoahppun 5.-10 ceahki vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide

V5MAT-6002 Matematihkka 2- joatkkaoahppun 5.-10 ceahki vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide

VALG-6100 Álgooahpahusa čiekŋudeapmi – joatkkaoahppun vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide

VDUO-6001 Duodji 1, 1.-10. ceahkki- joatkkaoahppun vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide

VSAM-6101 Fágadidaktihkalaš čiekŋudeapmi sámegielas – joatkkaoahppun vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide

VSAM-6102 Sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa dutkan- ja oahpahushistorjá – joatkkaoahppun vuođđoskuvlaoahpaheddjiide


Application deadline

Main application deadline is 01.12.2024
Applicants applying through real competence, or applicants that need an early reply, have to apply before 15.11.2024

Admission requirements

The general requirement for being admitted as students at Sámi University of Applied Sciences is that you meet the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, which are the the general basis for admission to universities and university colleges in Norway. If you do not meet these general requirements, you might also apply based on real competence. Most studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences requires a certain level in Sámi language. At some studies there might be other requirements to be admitted as students. You can read more about the differenct requirements on our webpage at each study's own page under Studies.

You can fin more information about how to meet the Higher Education Entrance Qualifications on the Webpage of  Samordna opptak by choosing English language at the top. You can also find more information about how to apply based on real competence on our webpage by clicking Studies and General requirements. 

Upload the nescessary documentation

Remember to upload the nescessar documentatition that shows that you meet the admission requirements for the study as soon as possible after you have registered your application. The documentation must be uploaded to your application at Søknadsweb within the deadlines mentioned above. 

When will you receive your answer?

The answers will be published at Søknadsweb as soon as possible.


If you have any questions regarding your application, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the academic administration by e-mail or phone: oahppohalddahus@samas.no/ +78 78 44 84 00.