About Sámi University of Applied Sciences
Sámi teaching - Sámi research - Sámi institution
Sámi University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) opened publicly on November 1, 1989, as the first Sámi higher education institution. The university of applied sciences was founded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education as a result of the needs of the Sámi society for higher education and research in order to safeguard and further develope the Sámi language, culture, land, and traditional ways of living. SUAS is improving Sámi higher education by development of studies that fulfill Sámi needs essentially by combining the Sámi traditional knowledge with academic and scientific knowledge. SUAS is a multilingual organization with Sámi language as the main language, and the institution has students and employees from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. SUAS has the national responsibility in Norway for Sámi teacher training, journalist training, Sámi Language and Literature, duodji(Sámi Handicraft and Applied Arts/Fine Art) and other Sámi related studies and research.
SUAS Strategy document 2022-26 (download)
The vision is to become a Sámi University and Indigenous University, where Sámi is heard and written daily, and where the values and thinking of Sámi and other indigenous peoples are in focus. In the 2017-2021 strategic plan, Sámi University of Applied Sciences will contribute to strengthen and develop Sámi societies, industries, languages and culture. The work shall be based on the conditions and qualities of Sámi society and culture.
Sámi Institute
SUAS and Sámi Institute were merged in 2005. The Sámi Institute was established in 1973.
SUAS has its main campus at Diehtosiida, in Kautokeino, which gives us a good opportunity to keep in touch with the other Sámi institutions also located at Diehtosiida. The name Diehtosiida is composed of the terms diehtu, which means knowledge, and siida, which is a traditional form of Sámi community organization in which a collective owns and manages a resource jointly. According to Sámi building tradition, the contractor spent the night on site before the start of construction, and by doing so, asking for permission to build.
Indigenous Network
Sámi University of Applied Sciences is a member of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) network where SUAS prioritizes indigenous activities. SUAS is also member of the World Indigenous Higher Education Consortium, WINHEC, where SUAS was approved as an indigenous institution for the period 2008-2018. The status of indigenous higher education and research institutions makes reservations that the university college forms and develops education services that strengthen SUAS's competence as an indigenous institution. At the same time, it means that indigenous peoples' pedagogy and research methodologies are implemented, which strengthen the qualifications of Sámi society and provide for indigenous students and employees. According to the accreditation, WINHEC encouraged Sámi University of Applied Sciences to continue to obtain approval as a Sámi University.
The logo Sámi University of Applied Sciences inherited from the Sámi Institute.
The logo is a picture of the sun, which is important in the life of the Sámi. This sun is also used as a symbol to show that Sámi people live in four areas: north, south, west and east.