
Cinema premiere

Sámi University of Applied Sciences, The Student Welfare Organization in Inner Finnmark (SSO) and Guovdageaidnu municipality arranges cinema at Diehtosiida.

We are at Tråante2017 in Trondheim

Today we are at Nidelven hotel to meet the participants of Sami Parliamentarian Councils' Youth Conference. #Tråante2017


A seminar on the use of traditional knowledge as a means and tool to preserve biodiversity is being held in Kautokeino, Norway today, Tuesday, 31 February.

Meet the new director

Johan Ailo Kalstad is the new director for Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

Sámi School History Conference 2016

Sámi University of Applied Sciences organizes Sámi School History Conference November 15th-16th 2016 in Guovdageaidnu Norway.

Join the Master programme in Indigenous Journalism

  • Starting date for course: 16 January 2017

  • Language of instruction: English

  • Study place: Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway

  • 90/120 credits (ECTS)

Journalists gathered on Inclusive Journalism

Worlwide representation at the seminar on Inclusive Journalism at Sámi University College.

Go on a north2north exchange, spring 2016!

Now students and academic staff members at Sámi University College may apply for a north2north exchange scholarship for spring 2016. There is north2north funding left that has to be used during the spring semester 2016.

