oktober 05. beaivi 2016

Sámi skuvlahistorjákonferánsa 2016 / Sámi School History Conference 2016

Sámi allaskuvla lágida sámi skuvlahistorjjá konferánssa 15.-16.11.2016 Diehtosiiddas Guovdageainnus.

Ulbmilin lea ovdanbuktit ja suokkardallat dutkama dálá dili ja boahttevuođa dutkandárbbuid.

Eanet dieđuid gávnnat konferánssa neahttasiiddus:  http://samischoolhistoryconference2016.weebly.com/

Čuovo neahta bokte:

Distaga 15.11
Gaskavahhku 16.11


Sámi University of Applied Sciences organizes Sámi School History Conference November 15th-16th 2016 in Guovdageaidnu Norway.

The aim of the conference is to highlight and construct the research of today and the future research needs.

More information can be found at the conference web site:  http://samischoolhistoryconference2016.weebly.com/

Join us online:

Tuesday 15.11
Wednesday 16.11

Oktavuohta / Contact 

Pigga Keskitalo
Associate Professor
tel. +47 78 44 84 00
mobil. +358404197175