Call for Abstracts

Guidelines for authors

The conference welcomes papers and posters about research in the field of Indigenous Mathematics Education. We encourage authors to check the aims of the conference for further information. Empirical, theoretical and developmental papers are welcome; surveys, observational, ethnographic, experimental or quasi-experimental studies, case studies. Limits for the extended abstracts is between one and two pages Times New Roman size 12. References in size 10, must adhere to the APA7 Publication Style. Deadline for submissions is May 21st 2024.
For posters, the limits is 0,5 - 1 page. Send to 

The extended abstract has to be written in English or North Sámi language.

Each extended abstract should include:

  • A statement about the focus of the paper: what is the question or the problem that is treated
  • An indication of the theoretical framework of (or theoretical constructs used in) the study reported, including references to the related literature
  • An indication of the methodology used (including problem, goals and/or research questions; criteria for the selection of participants or sampling; data collection instruments and procedures; data analysis procedures)
  • An indication on the scientific and cultural context in which this study is embedded (explaining crucial assumptions and the possible contingency of the relevance of the study for a specific cultural context)

All submitted abstracts are reviewed by the Program committee. Authors that present their work at the conference, will be invited to submit a full paper after the conference, for proceedings. After the conference: all submitted papers (deadlines will be provided later) go through an open review process, where those who submit papers are asked to review one or two papers from other authors. Guidelines for the review process will appear on the conference website. Poster proposals are reveiwed by the Program committee. Proceedings from IndigMEC2 will be published as a special issue of Journal of Mathematics and Culture.

Guidelines for teacher presentations

IndigMEC welcomes teacher presentations about work in the field of Indigenous Mathematics Education, specifically Indigenous teachers are welcomed. We encourage teachers to check the aims of the conference for further information. Those who want to participate, have to submit an extended abstract about their work. Limits for the extended abstracts is maximum one page Times New Roman size 12. References in size 10. The abstract has to be written in a Sámi language, Norwegian, Swedish, or English. The presentation has to be in a Sámi language or in English. All abstracts are reviewed by the Program Committee. For the preparation of your abstracts, please follow the guidelines. The abstract should include - A statement about the focus of the presentation - An indication of the relevance of the presentation - An indication on the cultural context in which this work is embedded - Final remarks or conclusions, indicating the significance of the presentation. Deadline for teachers’ abstracts is September 25th 2024.