Hva skjer:

14. januar, 19:00 til 20:30

Álbmotčoahkkin - Sámi dearvvašvuohta

SAMINOR, UIT og Samisk høyskole arrangerer folkemøte om samisk helse.

Masterbarggu ovdanbuktin
15. juni, 12:00 til 14:00

He gave up eventually (but I didn't)

Kandidáhtta/ Candidate Svea Vikander lea čađahan Sámi journalistihka mastergráda álgoálbmot perspektiivvas ja ovdanbuktá masterdutkamuša / has completed Master in Sámi Journalism from an Indigenous Perspective, and her Masters thesis writing will be present

15.06.2021 diibmu 12:00 – 14:00 / 12PM-2PM

Masterbarggu namma/ Name of the thesis:

He gave up eventually (but I didn’t):
Sámi journalists on sexual violence and Sámi media on protecting the most vulnerable.


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Meeting ID: 657 5427 6909

Passcode: 727813

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Meeting ID: 657 5427 6909

Passcode: 727813