Into the Land of Ice & Fire
Her er lenken til traileren: Into the Land of Ice and Fire_ trailer on Vimeo
GOS/WHERE: Sáhkaskáiddis (auditorium), Sámi allaskuvllas/ Sámi University of Applied Sciencies, Guovdageainnus
GOAS/WHEN: Lávvardaga 2. beaivvi, Skábmamánu/ Saturday, November 02.11.2024
DII/TIME: 14- 1645
GUHKKODAT/LENGTH: Filbma bistá 90 minuvtta/beannot diimmu/The film lasts 90 minutes.
- Dimitra ja Asta muitaleaba vehá filmma birra/ Dimitra & Asta/ Short introduction.
- Váldoperšuvnna guoktá Mihka ja Sara dearvvahit/Presenting the protagonists Mihka & Sara
- Juoigi guovttos Anne Lise Varsi ja Inger Marie Nilut juoiggasteaba Mihka ja Sara luođi. Luođit gullojit filmmas, Mihkai lea Kajsa Balto, su risteadni bidjan luođi. Sara lea Inger Márjja eadni, Sara lagasustit Berit Karen J. Gain,o Bella rohkki juoiggastan.
-Joik by Anne Lise Varsi & Inger Marie Nilut, Mihka's and Sara's luohti. In the film we listen to Kajsa Balto joiking her god son Mihka, and also Sara's joik comes up, done by her friend Berit Karen Gaino, Bella, who recently passed. Bella's daughter Inger Marie joiks Sara.
1420 - 1600 FILBMA/FILM
1600 - 1620 BODDU/ BREAK
1620 - 1645
SÁGASTALLAN filmma birra. Oassálastit Dimitra Zirou ja SA rektor/journalista Liv Inger Somby. Lágideaddji čilget maŋŋá
CONVERSATION, comments and reflections. Participants Dimitra Zirou and rector/journalist Liv Inger Somby. Moderator- announced later