Here you can read submitted abstracts (link) belonging to the Parallel session. Tuesday 07.11.2023 |
09.30- | Registrations opens & coffee | |
09.30-18.00 | Stands: Teaching materials | |
10.00-10.30 |
Opening Ceremony:
Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
10.30-11.15 |
Keynote Speech 1 Jaana Juutinen: Doing research together - developmental narratives from the kindergarten everyday life Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
11.15-12.10 | Lunch | |
12.10-14.10 | Parallell Session 1 | |
1.1 Paper presentation
Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
1.2 Paper presentation
Where: Sáđggadat classrom |
14.15-15.00 |
Keynote Speech 2 Stine Aarønes Angvik: Learning and assessment through dialogue - a practical approach Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
15.00-15.30 | Coffee | |
15.30-17.00 | Parallell Session 2 | |
2.1 Paper presentation
Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
2.2 Paper presentation
Where: Sáđggadat klasserom |
17:00-18:00 | Parallell Session 3 | |
3.1 Workshop: Professional learning Moderator: Marikaisa Laiti Sylvia Moore, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies, Labrador Campus of Memorial University: The Verdde research project as a professional Learning for Educators followed by a discussion open to all participants Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
3.2 Conversation around the coffee table Moderator: Rauna
Where: Sáđggadat klasserom |
3.3 Poster presentation Where: Cafeteria, Árrangaddi
Where: Cafeteria |
19.00 | Conference dinner | |
Wednesday 08.11.2023 |
08.30-12.00 | Stands: Teaching materials | |
08.30-10.15 | Parallell Session 4 | |
4.1 Paper presentation
Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
4.2 Paper presentation
4.2 Conversation around the coffee table: Sámi Education
Where: Sáđggadat classerom
10.15-10.45 | Coffee | |
10.45-11.30 |
Keynote Speech 3 Hanna-Máret Outakoski: Forming a common pedagogical understanding through play and encounters Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |
11.30-12.00 |
Closing remarks:
Where: Auditorium, Sáhkaskáidi |