Guovdageainnu historjjásearvvi prošeakta
Máret J. Heatta , prošeaktajođiheaddji
03. guovvamánu, 11:00 - 11:30
Sámi vahkku: “Meahcci dat addá”
Sámi vahkku 2025 Sámi allaskuvllas
03. guovvamánu, 11:00 - 06. guovvamánu, 13:00
Sámi vahkku prográmma
Sámi allaskuvllas leat doalut mat leat rabas buohkaide.
03. guovvamánu, 11:45 - 12:15
Sámi vahkku: “Suotna savkkuha”
Sárá Iŋgá Utsi Bongo logaldallá doavttergrádabarggu birra
03. guovvamánu, 12:30 - 13:00
Sámi vahkku: Nammadutkan ja várppiid birra
Máŋggabealat nammadutkan ja dutkan várppiid birra
Digitála logaldallan
04. guovvamánu, 11:00 - 13:00
Sámi vahkku: Dieđut-girjji almmuheapmi
Dieđut girjji “Sámi sosiolingvistihka áigeguovdilis gažaldagat” almmuheapmi.
Study start 2024
22. borgemánu, 09:00 - 11:00
Information for new students
Information for new students from 09.00-11.00 in Sáhkaskáidi.
You can follow the event by stream on this link:
- The study administration tells about services at Sámi allaskuvla, how to register as a student and other important information, by Anne Karen Hætta Bals and Helene Eira
- The student board talks about their role and activities, and about student involvement, by Lemet Máhtte Eira Sara and Pia Maria Labba
- The student welfare organization in Inner-Finnmark (SSO) talks about their services, by Ole Anders Skum
- Guovdageaidnu municipality tells about their services, by Anders S. Buljo and Bodil Utsi Vars
This event is in sámi language, and will be interpreted to English.