
31. ođđajagemánu, 00:00 - 15:30

From the Past to the Future: Knud Leem’s 1725 Account and 300 Years of Sámi Reindeer Herding Knowledge

FUOM! Knut Leema čálus sámiid ja sin eallinvuogi birra mii almmuhuvvui 1767:s gohtalaš čállinvuohkái, almmhuvvo dálá čállinvuohkái. Álmmuheapmi lea maŋiduvvon ođđajágimánnui 2025.

18. guovvamánu, 09:00 - 19. guovvamánu, 15:00

Studeantaáittardeaddji Diehtosiiddas

Sámi allaskuvlla studeantaáittardeaddji Torill Varberg boahtá Diehtosiidii vahkku 8:s.

13. Geassemánnu, 12:00 - 14:00

Loahpahandoalut 2025

Sámi allaskuvla lágida 2024-2025 oahppojagi loahpahandoaluid Diehtosiiddas, Sáhkaskáiddis, bearja

Online event
02. guovvamánu, 09:00 - 12:30

Digital open day

Have you thought about your future? Education is an opportunity!
Sami University College arranges a digital open day on Tuesday 2 February for all interested parties, where our lecturers tell you about what you learn, our educational offerings and what it is like to be a student at Sami University College.

The lectures are in Northern Sami, but will be interpreted in Norwegian.

Link to stream: https://samas.zoom.us/j/66966152272