Sámiráđđi ja Sámi allaskuvla lágidit sámi dutkanbeivviid Diehtosiiddas geassemánu 10.b.-13.b.
Loahpahandoalut 2025
Sámi allaskuvla lágida 2024-2025 oahppojagi loahpahandoaluid Diehtosiiddas, Sáhkaskáiddis, bearja
Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpan
Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpandoalut leat distaga 26.08.25, Diehtosiiddas, Guovdageainnus.
Inclusive Journalism
Sámi University College, Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Norway, 2-3 November 2015
Sunday 1.11
09.00 Departure to Karasjok
10.30-12.00 Sámi National Museum and Sámi Collection, guided by Margarete Vars
15.00 Return from Karasjok, possibility to visit Sámi handicraft shops in Kautokeino
Monday 2.11
10.00-10.10 Greeting, Rector Gunvor Guttorm
10.10-10.30 Sámi legal and social status, Dr Nils Johan Päiviö, Sámi University College
10.30-10.50 The media landscape in the Sámi region, Dr Lia Markelin, Sámi University College
10-50-11.10 Pause
11.10-11.30 Sámi media history, Associate Professor Arne Johansen Ijäs
11.30-11.50 Sámi media use, Dr Torkel Rasmussen, Sámi University College
11.50-12.15 Discussion
14.00-14.20 Framing Inclusive Journalism: Between Necessary Idealism and Depressing Realism, Prof. Charlies Husband, Bradford University and Sámi University College
14.20-14.40 Journalism and Shadow Publics, Prof. Verica Rupar, AUT University, Auckland
14.40-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.15 Pause
15.15-15.45 Maori Broadcasting and Self-Determination, Adjunct Fellow Jane Huria (Ngāi Tahu) and Prof. Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury
15.45-16.05 Internationalization of higher education: the Inclusive Journalism Initiative, Head of International Department Inger Munk and Associate Prof. Inger K. Larsen, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Århus
16.05-16.25 Inclusive Journalism from a pedagogical perspective, Prof. Tom Moring, University of Helsinki and Sámi University College
16.25-17.00 Discussion
18.00 Buffet dinner offered by the Sámi University College
Dinner speech by the Dean Johan Strömgren
Tuesday 3.11
09.00-09.30 New realism in photography and film, Prof. Tytti Soila, Stockholm University
09.30-09.45 Discussion
10.00-13.00 Two parallel sessions: Indigenous Journalism Master's Programme student presentations in two workshops (the senior participants will serve as discussants) (rooms 02101 and 02102)
14.00-17.00 IJI Article workshop (for the article authors, the Journalism lecture room)
Guided tour to the Tundra (weather permitting)
18.00 Free evening activities (Pizza party at the Student House)