What's up

Study start 2024
21. August, 10:00 to 23. August, 15:00

Introduction for Study start 2024


Official opening
21. August, 10:00 to 13:00

Official opening of the Academic year 2024-2025

The official opening of the academic year 2024-2025 on the 21st of August 2024 at 10:00-13:00, in

Meeting / presentation
09. September, 09:00 to 10. November, 15:00

Student Ombudsman in Diehtosiida

Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.

14. October, 10:30 to 16. October, 13:00

IndigMEC2 Conference

Conference focus: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous

Rabas čoahkkin
09. February, 09:00 to 14:00

Sámi boazodoallu, Norgga myhtat

Bilde av to personer som holder en ny bok om reindrift.

Inger Marie Gaup Eira & Svein Mathiesen.

Gávdnojitgo eará vejolašvuođat hálddašit boazodoalu Finnmárkkus?



NMBU, ICR og SA arrangerer åpent møte: 

  • Samisk reindrift, norske myter Finnes det alternative løsninger for forvaltningen av reindriften i Finnmark?
  • Lanseringsseminar for en ny fagbok om samisk reindrift i Finnmark

Diehtosiida, Guovdageaidnu-Kautokeino
9. februar 2016, kl 09.00-14.00