What's up

Student event
18. February, 09:00 to 19. February, 15:00

Student Ombudsman in Diehtosiida

The Student Ombudsman at Sámi allaskuvla, Torill Varberg, will visit Diehtosiida during week 8.

13. November, 12:00 to 14:00

“Globalization, Ecocide, Indigenous Peoples Struggles, and Environmental Destruction”

Guosseprofessor Julian Kunnie, Arizona universitehtas logaldallá ja ságastallá guldaleddjiiguin.


Beaivi: Vuossárgga 13.11. 2017

Áigi: 12.00-14.00

Báiki: Sullodat


Logaldalli birra/About the lecturer:

Professor Julian Kunnie works with the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous People and have participated in the annual conference in New York for many years. He works in advancing the rights of self-determination of our Indigenous relatives in Arizona in Turtle Island (USA), especially the Dineh (navajo) and Endeh (Apache) and O'odham communities. He also teaches Indigenous Studies at the University of Arizona with focus on Indigenous cultures and philosophies, including courses that describe the Sámi struggles in Scandinavia.

Book ref: Globalization and Impacts on Indigenous Peoples in the world,
The Cost of Globalization: Dangers to the Earth and Its People (McFarland, 2015)