Travel and accomodation

Travel to and from Guovdageidnui (Kautokeino)

The nearest airport is in Alta (ALF). Distance between Alta and Kautokeino is 140 km and it takes about 2 hours to drive by car. It is possible to hire a car in Alta and drive by yourself, or travel by bus to Kautokeino. The bus has few departures, therefore be aware of this when you book your flight and accommodation (how to get to the conference).

There is no public bus connection Kautokeino-Alta after end of conference on 23th. If there are many participants who have to catch a flight or get to Alta on 23.03.23, the conference will set up a shared minibus from Kautokeino to Alta after the end of the conference. Please let know if you need transport after the conference.

Travelling with public bus from Alta airport to Guovdageaidnu:

Snelandia for bustravels from Alta to Kautokeino. For travel planner, click here 

Car rental in Alta

Accommodation in Kautokeino

There are reserved rooms for conference participants at Thon hotel Kautokeino. You have to book a room yourself, then use SáMOS as a reference and you will get a room at a discounted price. It is recommended to order well in advance. Please note that the conference does not pay for accommodation even if the rooms are reserved.

Thon Hotel Kautokeino
Biedjovággeluodda 2, 9520 Guovdageaidnu    
Tel: +47 78 48 70 00 

Arctic Motell Kautokeino camping 
Suomaluodda 16, 9520 Guovdageaidnu 
Tel: +47 480 40 997 

Máttaluoppal, 9520 Guovdageaidnnu (5 km to south from the bridge in the town, road E45).
Tel.: +47 943 41 319, 928 06 938
E-mail: finnes også på

Duottar Camping
Suomaluodda 12, Guovdageaidnu
Tel.: +47 905 49 293
E-mail: Duottar camping - Campingplass i Kautokeino

Eira siida
Ándarjávri 3, Guovdageaidnu
Tel.: +47 469 69 450

Kautokeino Villmarksenter 
Hánnoluohkká 2 A, 9520 Guovdageaidnu  
Tel: +47 78 48 76 02 

Map for Kautokeino town