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Starting your studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences
Whether you are a new student or a returning student at SUAS, you should now have received a message regarding the study you have applied to. For those students who have received a study offer, a welcome letter has been sent through email (if not, please check your spam).
Student registration fee
First thing to do after accepting the study offer, is to pay the student registration fee. Information about the student registration fee can be found on StudentWeb. When the student registration fee is paid, you can finalize the student registration. Make note, it may take up to 24hrs before the payment is registered.
Student registration
You can register as a student at studentweb. When you have finalized the student registration, you are eligible to borrow books at the Sámi allaskuvla library and to receive a keycard/Student ID card.
N.B. If you are not a Norwegian resident, you will have to contact the SUAS Academic Administration to receive username and password.
Creating your IT-account, you will receive an FEIDE-user, which is used for the student ID-app, Eduroam (internet) and Digigiisá (digital learning management system). IT-account can be created here.
Student ID-app
When you have paid the student registration fee, completed the student registration and created a IT-account, you can download the Student ID-app “Studentbevis” to your smartphone.
New students can get their student ID cards at Sámi University of Applied Sciences reception desk. If you are not able to come to SUAS, you can order the student ID card from the academic administration. Send your name and photo to the Academic administration email address. The student ID card gives you access to the Diehtosiida building and gives you access to borrowing books at the SUAS library.
Student loan and scholarship
When accepted as a student, you can apply for a student loan and scholarship. Lånekassen has application forms and deadlines for applying for the student loan and scholarship. When you have paid the tuition fee and finalized student registration, an automatic message is sent to Lånekassen, confirming that you are a student at Sámi University of Applied Sciences.
Please make note that the regulations for when student loans transfer to scholarships has changed fall 2019. More information and applications are available at Lånekassen website.
If you have any questions about your study or beginning you studies, please do not hesitate to contact the Academic administration.
Phonenumber: +47 78 44 84 00
or come by the Academic administration office at Diehtosiida.