Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.
What's up
The official opening of a new academic year
Each year we celebrate the beginning of the academic year with speeches, greetings and a concert. The event is at the Diehtosiida campus in Sáhkaskáidi auditorium 15.08.2023 at 10.00 - 13.00.
Prográmma / Program
Oahppojagi almmolaš rahpan / Opening of the Academic Year
Sáhkaskáidi 16.08.23, 10:00-13:00
Guoimmuheapmi /
Bures boahtin Sámi allaskuvlla direktevra Anne-Marie Gaino bokte /
Welcome speech by Anne-Marie Gaino, Director of Sámi allaskuvla
Rahpansárdni Sámi allaskuvlla rektora Liv Inger Somby bokte /
Opening speech by Liv Inger Somby, Rector of Sámi allaskuvla
Dearvuođat Sámediggeráđi Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen bokte /
Greetings by Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, Member of the Governing Council of the Sámi Parliament
Dearvuođat Guovdageainnu sátnejođiheaddji Hans Isak Olsena bokte /
Greeting by Hans Isak Olsen, Mayor of Guovdageaidnu Municipality
Dearvuođat Sámeráđi presideanta Áslat Holmberga bokte /
Greetings by Áslat Holmberg, President of the Saami Council Dearvuođat
UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta várrerektora Bente Haug bokte/
Greetings by Bente Haug, Vice Rector UiT - Arctic University of Norway
Dearvuođat studeantastivrra jođiheaddji Martin Velky bokte/
Greetings by Leader of the Student Board at Sámi allaskuvla
Ofelaččaid soabbegeigenseremoniija/
Sámi Pathfinder ritual
Lunša /
Guoimmuheapmi Inger Marie Nilut ja Sárá Gáren Ánne Nilut bokte /
Entertainment by Inger Marie Nilut and Sara Garen Anne Nilut