The Norwegian Civil Service Union

Our strength through unity - Your security!
Job security and professional development at work are issues of concern to all employees
At the Norwegian Civil Service Union (NTL) these ideas are always uppermost in our mind. Our job is to ensure that you feel that you work in a secure job in a good working environment. We believe that you should have a salary that you can live on and working hours that you can live with.
Our sense of social commitment is strong
We want a society that is safe and fair for all. With this aim in mind, we play an active part in the development and renewal of the welfare state and in international social issues.
What is NTL?
NTL is a trade union with some 50,000 members, many of whom are employed in the state sector. We also have members in a number of other public sector enterprises. All employees at these workplaces are eligible for membership of NTL, irrespective of educational background and position. NTL also has special membership terms for students at university colleges and universities.
What are NTL’s goals?
NTL’s goals include bringing about quality-driven improvements in public administration and state enterprises. We are also working for improvements in personnel policy and for greater opportunities for professional development. NTL’s aim is a pay policy based on the principle of solidarity which also safeguards the interests of employees with higher education.
You don’t have to stand alone!
There are 3000 NTL trade union officers at workplaces throughout Norway. They are well trained and will be there for you when you need help, for example during a dispute at your place of work.
NTL membership offers a wide range of benefits
- Security with respect to pay and conditions of employment
- Codetermination and influence on your place of work and working environment
- Free courses organised by NTL, LO (Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions) and the AOF study association
- Free legal advice, should you have problems at work
- Opportunities to apply for education grants
- Norway’s best home contents insurance and competitive travel insurance
- For offers of other competitive insurance schemes and membership benefits go to
- The NTL members’ magazine
Join 870 000 other LO members and make sure your voice is heard!
NTL at Sámi University of Applied Sciences have the following boardmembers since 2017:
Inger Marie Gaup - Chairwoman
Inga Berit Sara - Deputy chair and treasurer
Sara Anne Gaup - Secretary
NTL 116-4 Avd. Samisk høgskole Kautokeino
+47 78 44 84 00