- Fas vejolaš ohcat oahpuide
- Historjjálaš doalut Sámi allaskuvllas
- Stivraláhttut válljejuvvon ja nammaduvvon
- Anja Somby virgáduvvon sámi buohccidivššároahpu prošeaktajođiheaddjin
- Sámi allaskuvlla studeanta lea juo ožžon bargofálaldagaid
- Dál lea ain vejolaš ohcat Sámi allaskuvlii
- Dál lea vejoláš ohcat Sámi Ofelažžan
- Sámi allaskuvla geasuha nuoraid
- Vars ja Jannok Nutti válljejuvvon rektorin ja prorektorin
njukčamánu 27. beaivi 2021
Students' access to Diehtosiida
In order to have access to Diehtosiida in the period 29 March-12 April, students will need a special keycard that they may receive at the front office.
The gym is closed between 31 March - 06 April.
The front office is open between 08.30-15.00