Sámi AI lab
Lecturings and workshop mainly for Duodji bachelor students but also for everyone interested.
Program: 20.11
09:00-09:20 Samuel Valkeapää, SUAS
Opening and background
Digital technology in duodji studies.
9:30-9:50 Lars Ailo Bongo, Professor, SUAS
Sámi AI
10:00-10:20 Ernie Roby Tomic, SUAS
Working in Sámi AI lab
10:30-10:50 Roope Kaaronen, Post doc. researcher, University of Helsinki
Opportunities and challenges for digital and computational cross-cultural research
11:00-11:20 Eli Synnøve Skum Hanssen, SUAS
Thoughts concerning personvern and ethics when working with AI https://www.digdir.no/kunstig-intelligens/hvordan-vurderer-jeg-risiko-ved-bruk-av-kunstig-intelligens/4537
11:30-11:50 Oskari Lemmetyinen, gold-/silversmith, Juhls’ silvergallery
Experiences when working with 3D and AI in planning and crafting with silver
12:00 End of the morning sessions
13-16 Sámi AI lab - workshop for students in Duddjohat, Sámi allaskuvla by Ernie Roby Tomic and Samuel Valkeapää
Program 21.11
09:00 - 16:00 Sámi AI lab - workshop. Help and guiding possibilities in SUAS for students by Ernie Roby Tomic