Quota scheme
Sami University College is awarded two quota places by the Center for International Education. Quota Places are divided by regions.
Sami University College can offer quota place for students from the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
For the academic year 2014-2015 the allocation for the region and the number of seats the same as for the period 2011-2014.
All of our quota places are currently taken.
Announcement of quota places
Sami University College announces vacant quota places on our website, the Saami region of Russia with help from the Barents Indigenous Peoples Office (BIPO) and through other partner institutions within the UArctic / Verdde network (eg, Arctic State Institute of Culture and Art)
Priority in the allocation of quota scheme:
Sami University College prioritize Sami students from Russia first, then Russian indigenous students.
Deadline fall semester 01.08
Deadline spring semester 02.01
Read more about the quota scheme here: